Local SEO Strategy

Learn how our local SEO strategy can benefit your business not just in the short but in the long term.

A local SEO strategy can be seen as the beginning of a plan. But it is not the plan itself.

How we create successful strategies

Why it works
  1. To compete in local online searches, our strategy will be successful if we select the correct keywords and locations sufficiently close enough for customers to visit our premises and far enough to include the desired number of customers.
  2. To compete at a local SEO level, we need to create several keyword plus location pages.
  3. Our strategy will be successful if the pages that contain keyword plus location are ranked number one on Google.
  4. Our strategy will be successful if the content within our geo-targeted pages for local search is sufficiently convincing, trustworthy and persuasive, then the traffic to these pages will generate conversions.
  5. Our strategy will be successful if our website is both technically strong and of comparable quality to that of the competition.

The strategy above dictates our plan

To undertake all of the above, we must create a plan of action that includes who, what, and when. To deliver your strategy, Vanilla Circus needs to take the lead as an expert in local search. We will undertake all of the keyword research and all of the location research. We will use our experience to identify which locations will most likely generate conversions.

We have our own in-house copywriters who create the content

We have our own copywriters, content creators, graphic designers and a backlinks service team, who will use their outreach knowledge to secure back links for the newly created content. We will report and monitor all of these results of our work in terms of traffic, conversions and Google rankings.


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